Proposed I-15 Expansion
What is UDOT’s study on Interstate 15?
The Utah Department of Transportation is conducting an Environmental Impact Statement surrounding an 18 mile stretch of I-15, running from Farmington to 400 S in Salt Lake City. The study comes from UDOT’s desire to increase the capacity of the freeway as Utah’s population is expected to continue to grow. UDOT recently shared two alternative plans, both of which were widening options, which have met significant pushback from the community. The next stage of the study is a Draft EIS, followed by a comment period, which will explain in detail UDOT’s plan.
Information gathered by a coalition of individuals and residents representing:
Photo by Joseph Chan on Unsplash
Why this matters
The proposed alternatives, and the direction this project seems to be heading, pose risk of harming neighborhoods already burdened by poor air quality, low investment from the city, and past traumas like redlining and the original construction of I-15. The alternatives do nothing to promote connectivity and health, and seem narrow minded when more alternatives such as investing in the public transportation system or burying the freeway exist, both of which will meet the need in a more impactful way.
Frequently Asked Questions
As of May 2023, UDOT has released its first public document called a “Screening Report” where they evaluate transportation alternatives. Over 100 properties in Salt Lake City & Davis County will be impacted!
No specifics on this have been released yet, however we will know more about this when the Draft EIS is released in the fall.
There is a map that has been created by a concerned citizen that shows some of the potential impact.
The freeway is reaching the end of its lifespan and needs repairs. UDOT wants to increase the interstate’s capacity at the same time.
That information hasn’t been shared with us, but we’re working on finding this out.
There is a collection of invested individuals and residents leading efforts to advocate for communities and businesses that would be affected by the proposal. So far, those include:
NeighborWorks Salt Lake
River District Business Alliance
Westside Coalition
Sweet Streets Salt Lake

How can I get involved?
When the next comment period opens up, make your voice heard. Pay attention to what will harm and what will help your community … and advocate!
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